Model Vetting

It is understood that some types/size of model aircraft, including helicopters, may not be suitable to operate at Huntley’s.  The club will therefore self-regulate the operation of models which may fall into these categories.

There is a procedure, which has been historically applied to formally vet models where required.

Models with excessive weight, speed, wing loading, multi engines, or with experimental aerodynamics, materials, structural design, power plant or control systems need to be vetted.  It is in member’s interests to notify the club vetting panel of any such project at any early stage.  Models/projects deemed unsuitable will not be permitted to fly at Huntley’s.

Every model, fixed wing and helicopter, that exceeds the specifications given in the appropriate Large Model Notification pro-formas will need to be vetted.

Large Model Vetting Procedure

(Iss5, Oct 2014 -Full Document)

This document is the full vetting process including all the procedure and vetting forms/checklists (appendices) listed below:  (.pdf 172kb)
Vetting Procedure

(Iss4, Aug 2011)

Explains why we have a vetting procedure and what is expected to ensure the aircraft is safe and fit to fly.

Includes Appendix 1 – Model Vetting Process (.pdf 24kb)


Fixed wing vetting checklist

(Iss 4, Aug 2011)

Fixed Wing checklist to ensure that each subject aircraft is inspected in an objective manner.

Appendix 2 to the vetting procedure (.pdf 85kb)

Helicopter vetting Checklist

(Iss4, Aug 2011)

Helicopter checklist to ensure that each subject aircraft is inspected in an objective manner

Appendix 3 to the vetting procedure (.pdf 80kb)